Innovative German-made X-Ray Quality Assurance Solutions, X-Ray Quality Control and Radiation Protection Products


Test Set according IAEA, EFOMP and ESTRO recommended QA for CBCT

The test set was compiled based on the recommendations of the three organsiations, IAEA, EFOMP and ESTRO, for a quick and time-efficient QA performance at CBCT imaging equipment.

These recommendations are principally based on DIN 6868-161 and 6868-15 for CBCT quality assurance.

Only one exposure is required to create 3D data set containing all required parameters to evaluate image quality. Automated image quality evaluation is performed through the unique QUART CTtec QA/QC software.

The DVTkp phantom can be applied for field sizes from 4x4cm to large fields-of-view (FOV). Customised holders for a variety of CBCT systems are available.

Technical specifications

  • SPATIAL RESOLUTION: Line spread function
  • MATERIAL EQUIVALENTS: Free Air / Soft tissue / Bone
  • POSTIONING TOOLS: Linear (top side) / Selective markers
  • SIZE: Ø 16 cm, height: 15 cm
  • Nyquist Frequency (NF)
  • Contrast
  • Noise
  • Contrast-to-Noise Ratio (CNR)
  • Homogeneity / Image Uniformity
  • Spatial Resolution / Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) at 10% & 50% modulation
  • Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) as per IEC 62220-1-2
  • CT Numbers / Hounsfield Units
  • Z-Axis Resolution / NF and MTF in Axial Direction
  • Artefacts, Image Flaws, etc.
  • System Indicator / Acceptance Indicator (Figure of Merit)
  • Patient / Phantom Positioning Accuracy
  • Additional QA/QC related tests such as geometry and distance measurements etc. to be conducted in an external DICOM viewer

EFOMP working group, Quality control in cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) EFOMP-ESTRO-IAEA protocol (summary report), Physica Medica, Volume 39, July 2017, Pages 67-72.