Innovative German-made X-Ray Quality Assurance Solutions, X-Ray Quality Control and Radiation Protection Products


Enhanced Low-Contrast Resolution Test Tool

The QUART Low-Contrast Wedge is compact and small in size.

It is designed to evaluate contrast detail for a wide range of x-ray equipment.

The wedge contributes to a precise identification of visual perceptibility limits (limiting contrast detail similar to an IQF or Contrast Detail curve) by providing the specific infomation if the wedge structure is still visible against the noise in the image.

In addition, it provides the possibility to relate perceptibility levels to specific image receiver doses or rates.

Technical specifications

  • The positioning is straightforward as the tool is directly placed on the phantom top side.
  • The wedge features 3 low-contrast holes Ø 2.0 mm / wedge length: 4.0 cm / predefined wedge constant.

Schoefer H, Quantification Potential of Low-Contrast Imaging at Image Intensifier Units for Acceptance Tests according DIN 6868-50, Z. Med. Phys. 4 (1994) 221-223 (in Germany).